The Eternal Choir 4

The Eternal Choir 4
Oil on Fine Linen
140cm x 190cm
March 22nd 1995 the last surviving member of my family (apart from me) passed away sadly (originally four children and two parents). I had always been irretrievably tied to drawing and painting – painting scenery, still life etc.
My brother Keith Hofmaier, used to play a CD of a light opera which included a song Tausend kleine engel singen (A Thousand Little Angels Singing).
A couple of years earlier I painting a small whimsical painting which Sir Frank Callaway (an important mentor) bought and named `Consolations’.
So in hindsight I believe I was still in that space. If only I could paint the thousand angels and the light of another life behind them to which they are travelling. I dreamt of the idea, thought about it, began the canvas and this is the result. Only later I realized that only women and children are suggested, one little blonde lass is prominent and only one figure in the whole work is looking sideways.
A couple of years later I felt the title Tausend kleine was limited. `The Eternal Choir’ has the same concept and is more general. I painted several more of these which became increasingly abstract. I believe No. 4 is on the web. This first one held enormous healing power for me at the time. I closed the chapters of my earlier life, placed the troubled Di Bresciani in a locked cupboard and forged ahead.
You have the photo of No 4 as well. This one is about the interaction of colours across the canvas.