Pink and Gold 2

Pink and Gold 2
Oil on Fine Linen 
129cm x 86cm
Another rhythm of light.
The pinks, mauves, blues, golds of the Mallee, Victoria. Australia It is Spring or Summer and the thin bark covered stems of the Mallee gums allow heaps of light to flash through. I am riding on my bicycle as a child enjoying the warmth of the sun and the sparkles of pink and gold through the trees. It is a happy experience. We loved those trees. My Father had left a couple of paddocks uncleared when he cleared the land. This was the pure Mallee native forest of Mallee gums- strange, rangy, scraggy trees they were. The ground was always covered with bark (which we delighted in gathering to light the home wood fire). In Autumn there were mushrooms and in Spring many small wildflowers: wild sweetpeas and wild pansies were always a joy. The memory raises an experience of calm and deep contemplation.
The madness of the world. The madness of man. As we try to cope with increasing myriads of people, plagues of people, we seem to have to mass produce food, power, and all in order to cope with the demands masses needing to live and consume. It does seem that we are increasingly absorbed in keeping up with all of this and losing contact with our inner selves.